Saturday, September 20, 2008

Too drunk to go out

While I recognize D.I.M. as a great DJ, as of late he hasn't been on the top of my list especially after his lackluster performance here in MTL some months ago. However, it seems that he has released some new tracks with a kind of sound and style quite different than what we are used to hearing from him (especially in 'Out of the Blue'). Check 'em out:

Sunglasses At Night (D.I.M. Remix) - Tiga & Zyntherius

Out of the Blue (D.I.M. Remix) - Darmstadt

Another group seemingly making a 'comeback' of sorts and one of my favorites, Van She Tech, has remixed Utah Saints to great success, bringing us a great upbeat track:

Something Good (Van She Tech Remix) - UTAH SAINTS

As usual, enjoy.

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